Cache-Control not being applied to Presigned URLs

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Cache-Control not being applied to Presigned URLs

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Hello community,

I’m experiencing an issue with Cloudflare R2. I am uploading files using boto3 with the following configuration:

"object_parameters": {
    "CacheControl": "private, max-age=14400",  # 4 hours

However, when I retrieve the file, the Cache-Control header shows “no-cache” instead of the specified value.

I’ve searched the forums, but the only information I found was related to custom domains, which doesn’t apply to my situation as I do not want a public bucket.

How can I ensure that R2 respects the Cache-Control header I set?

Thank you for your assistance!

Screenshot of the error

Seems that the changes are applied to the new files, not the ones that were already there. :blush:

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