I am trying to make one of my bulk redirect rules case-insentive. I tried using the expression in the rule lower(http.request.full_uri) in $shortcodes
But I get an error, and it won’t save. How do you get this to work? Case-insensitive redirects are a fairly common use case, surely there is a way to do it… What am I missing?
‘lower(http.request.full_uri) in $bulkredirectlist’ is not a valid value for expression because the list bulkredirectlist can only be used with fields (Code: 20127)
Bulk Redirects are essentially static, so functions are generally not supported. Unless you’re dealing with thousands or millions of specific URLs that require forwarding, I would suggest to take a look at Single Redirects instead.
Now that we have support for wildcard matching and wildcard replacement, you can express source URL and target URL in a very simple yet flexible way.