Bug - custom rules / Verified Bots / Google Schema Markup Testing Tool

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

Rule not met (cf.verified_bot_category eq “Monitoring & Analytics”)

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I made a custom rule to let schema.org trough 1 single url path and it works
without the custom rule, schema.org is blocked

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

set up a custom rule to block bots and let these verfied bots trough
(cf.verified_bot_category eq “Monitoring & Analytics”)
test on https://validator.schema.org/

Your test will be blocked, but it should not!! Google Schema Testing tool is verfied on this list!

How to resolve problem: I made another rule before, to skip all other rules, and put in
(http.request.uri contains “my-test-uri-for-schema-org”)

and then it works

This proofs, that Google Schema Testing tool is not a verfied bot or the list is not correct.

Screenshot of the error

It seems the screenshot shows a block enforced by the “Challenge Other Countries” rule. You might want to place the skip rule at the top of your custom rule list and select “skip” for all WAF components to ensure it is bypassed.

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