Bots with outdated browser user agent string

Short answer, yes.

From the tipic title “outdated browser user agent string” - maybe some Internet Explorer or HTTP version 1.0?
If so, kindly see below articles and implement the needed:

Firewall Tips here :search: :

May I ask, if you see them in Firewall Events, have you created a User-agent blocking rule, or even better, a Firewall Rule which contains a “string” for that specific user-agent to block all the requests comming from them?

May I ask you to share the user-agent or any other non-private information here, so we could help you to create your Firewall Rule to block them?

Kindly, see below article due to Firewall Rules:

I think it could depend on the selected settings and a Cloudflare Plan which you use, just like in combination with Privacy Pass, Browser Integrity Check , default Security Level (at least Medium), Bot Fight Mode option, etc.

You can even block requests to some of the compatible Cloudflare ports, even specific countries, IP address(es), whole ASNs, etc.

A usefull to look and use:

Usefull articles:

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