Billing Issue - Charges for Cancelled Pro Plan - Urgent Action Needed!

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What is the issue you’re encountering

Billing Issue - Charges for Cancelled Pro Plan

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Dear Cloudflare Support Team,

I am writing to report a billing issue regarding my Cloudflare account. I cancelled several Pro plan subscriptions and even removed the associated domains from my account several months ago. Despite this, I am still being charged monthly for these cancelled services.

I have checked my account dashboard and confirmed that these domains are no longer active under any Pro plan. I have also reviewed my billing history, which shows continued charges even after the cancellation.

I kindly request that you investigate this issue and provide a refund for the incorrect charges. I would also appreciate confirmation that the recurring billing for these cancelled services has been stopped.

Invoice: IN-17122560
I am extremely concerned to see a $200 monthly charge on my account despite only having free plan domains. This seems to be a serious billing error.
Please let me know if you require any further information from my end.

In what area can we help you?


Screenshot of the error

  • Case ID: 01316538
    Moreover, even though I am a Business user, I cannot create tickets because after I create one, Cloudflare automatically deletes it without letting me see the ticket. Cloudflare has blocklisted my account. This is very disappointing. When I create a ticket complaining that they are charging me, they do not allow the ticket to appear in this section
    . The billing issue has been going on for several months. At first, I thought it was because I forgot to downgrade to Free, but it’s not. Even when you are on the Free plan, Cloudflare continues to charge you

Sorry for the long running issues. Do you/have have a ticket number/opened a ticket?

To open a ticket, you’ll need to follow these directions here, Billing, Plans & Subscription Questions

My case ID: 01316538 (I wrote it above)
Invoice: IN-17122560
I am resubmitting this ticket to reiterate an ongoing billing issue. I have been charged incorrectly by Cloudflare for multiple months, despite having submitted previous support requests that have not been addressed :slightly_frowning_face:

Realizing that downgrading from Pro to the Free plan wouldn’t prevent Cloudflare from continuing to bill me, I not only downgraded but also deleted the domains from my Cloudflare account. Despite this, Cloudflare is still silently charging me for domains that I deleted a long time ago

Even with the unresolved issue and no response from them, the next billing cycle is coming up, and I’m worried they’ll charge me again. I’m really confused about what’s going on with Cloudflare’s support and billing. Just yesterday, I added a new domain, and it’s showing as ‘Paid’? Are they seriously going to charge me $25 next month for a domain that’s supposed to be free?

It is confusing to get a $0 invoice, agree
Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 9.28.08 AM

Are you seeing $0 charges in every case or are you being billed the $25/month?

Despite my account clearly showing a Free plan ($0 and ‘paid’), I’m inexplicably being charged $200-225 every month—equivalent to 8-9 Pro plans. Cloudflare’s invoices provide no breakdown by domain, leaving me completely in the dark. Plus, all of my domains have been downgraded to the Free plan for months, and some were even deleted from Cloudflare long ago. This makes the charges even more puzzling
Check invoice IN-17122560
I’m starting to wonder if Cloudflare support is even interested in fixing this. Or perhaps they find my explanation too confusing? Even though everything is crystal clear
I haven’t received any response to my email from two days ago, and Cloudflare is about to charge me again at the start of the month.

Four days have passed since I sent my support ticket, and I still haven’t received a single response. Cloudflare’s lack of response is incredibly irresponsible.

CF’s billing practices are completely unacceptable. CF

refunded $200 to my account, this decision to bypass my original payment method is baffling. This error lies solely with CF, and I have no intention of continuing with CF’s Pro service. Why is CF forcing me to maintain a credit balance within CF’s system?

Furthermore, the complete lack of transparency regarding the remaining credit on CF’s website is deeply concerning. This isn’t the first time this has happened! A few months ago, CF credited my account with $240 but offered no way to track its usage or remaining balance. CF simply displayed a deceptive $0 while quietly deducting the credit each month. This lack of information makes it impossible to verify if I’m being charged fairly. It feels like CF is deliberately obfuscating how my credit is being used.

CF’s track record with billing is appalling. CF’s system lacks transparency and accountability, making CF the worst large company I’ve dealt with regarding billing and refunds. It’s a complete mess, and I demand a proper resolution.

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Sorry for the issues, refunds are not an option unless there is a fault in the service. You can ask Billing Support on another ticket, but that is not something we can assist with on this forum. Sorry for the ongoing troubles.