I am being invoiced for a monthly fee. We subscribed before but canceled it since we can’t even use the chat function and talked to support about canceling it. It was canceled but we are still being invoiced and our Credit Card is being used for it. We asked for it to be canceled since July and we are still being invoiced for it until now. I keep reaching out to support for a refund and ask for this not to happen again but it still happens. Can someone help me? I can’t even call support since we are in the free plan but we are being invoiced a business plan. I can’t even delete the CC details because it says it has an active subscription but there isn’t.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
reached out to support 3 times for this. Got refunded but the same thing always happens.
Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support
WDYM? No response at all!!! I have been following up every time but no response. You guys even said to send you screenshots so you can recreate the problem BUT YOU NEVER RESPONDED BACK.
I am being invoiced for a monthly fee. I have been reaching out since July about this issue, some invoices have been refunded but they keep invoicing us until now. We are on a FREE account. They billed us for September and October and I reached out to support about this but they keep sending me the same old replies and no action. I keep reaching out to support for a refund and ask for this not to happen again but it still happens. Can someone help me? I can’t even call support since we are in the free plan but we are being invoiced a business plan. I can’t even delete the CC details because it says it has an active subscription but there isn’t.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have sent multiple emails about it and they close it without me even knowing!
Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support
Can someone help me with this? They have invoiced us for another month and we are in the FREE plan! Billing team said they are working on it but that was so long ago! Do we wait until we get billed for the 3rd time???