Background Videos not Playing in Chrome on iOS 13.3

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to debug a weird issue where I cannot get background videos to work in Google Chrome on iOS. They work fine in Safari and I don’t have any problems with browsers on Android devices. The site is a WordPress site that’s hosted on Siteground with a NGINX server.

Any help would be appreciated.

In the <video> tag, along with muted , add noaudio . Add both to the <source> tags as well. Report back how that works for you. If still no good, please post the URL so I can check it out for you.


Hi Jules,

I have muted, but not noaudio. The videos play when we browse the site with iOS Chrome and Android Firefox on our dev server, which isn’t using Cloudflare.

Here’s the url to the site:

Anyways, here’s a screenshot of the video code: Capture

I see you didn’t put muted and noaudio into each source tag. Try that out.

I noticed a desktop browser will fail loading the video as well, if the window is narrow (responsive mode). So it may be you have some CSS or JS issues.

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