Do the three work together fine?
Do the three work together fine?
Theoretically it should work. @cbrandt has valuable experience on this.
It seems to be working fine so far. Just wondering if it’s inefficient to do it this way and if I could improve performance by only minifying on Autoptimizers end or on Cloudflares.
I need Autoptimizer anyway to defer google fonts.
That depends on what you want to optimize. It is a trade-off between CPU and BW. If you optimize at your end → less BW + more CPU and if you leave it to CF → more BW + less CPU.
The documentation for the Cloudflare Plugin says it will purge Autoptimize cache along with regular page cache (in your case, WP Super Cache) if you set Automatic Cache Management to ON in the plugin interface.
So responding to your original question I’d say, yes, they do work well together.
However, Rocket Loader is a service that may not go well with Autoptimize’s main function, which is to concatenate JS and CSS files to optimize delivery. You may need to test using RL without Autoptimize and using AO without RL, compare the results. Of course you may still use AO for its other functions. AO minimizes files more aggressively than CF, and I’d rather let AO minify them.
Thanks - I am using Rocket Loader and it appears to be fine, so I think I’ll leave all my settings as is.
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