Auto-SSL Generation

My hosting package with InMotionHosting includes Auto-SSL which automatically generates an SSL certificate as long as the Nameservers are pointing towards InMontionHosting.

However, I would also like to be able to use the free CloudFare package, which requires you to change the nameservers to lara & george. But by doing so the hosting is unable to auto-generate the SSL certificate.

The hosting company is InMotion and the feature here that generates the SSL is the “SSL/TLS Status”

The error message that is being generated is below: (I have replaced my domain for EXAMPLE and changed the hash and IP address)

DNS DCV: The DNS query to “” for the DCV 
challenge returned no “TXT” record that matches the value “_cpanel-dcv-test-record=24CsiEv74_PtJTE_9xm_EXAMPLEEXAMPLEIpVoRo_EIym9x57xN”.; HTTP DCV: The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at “” because of an error: The system failed to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) “GET” request to “” because of an error: Could not connect to '': Network is unreachable. The domain “” resolved to an IP address “2301:5200:50:0:0:0:851b:12fb” that does not exist on this server.

There is a TXT DNS record that matches the below on the host DNS:


Which I have copied to CloudFare DNS but this did not work.

How do I configure CloudFare to allow the auto-generation of SSL certificates on my InMotion hosting?

Hi @user4761, with that requirement, you cannot use their certificate.

Are you having issues with Cloudflare’s SSL that makes it not suitable?

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Hi @cloonan,

I could use the CLoudFare SSL but this issue with the auto-generated SSL with InMotion also effects the domain as well. So although I could have a secure www. connection the mail. connection would not be secure.

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