API calls returning null values

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What is the error number?


What is the error message?

I either get “null” values or when i change the date range i get :Failed to retrieve data. Status code: 400, Response: {“errors”:[{“code”:2001,“message”:“Internal Error”}],“success”:false,“result”:{}}

What is the issue or error you’re encountering

I want to retrieve data for Internet Quality index[Bandwidth, latency, dns] using the API call from this page. however when i try doing this, i get null values for all the percentiles. Either that or for some date ranges I get 400 error. page link: Cloudflare API Documentation

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Trying different time ranges

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

An API call to the dataset for DNS, Bandwidth, latency

Screenshot of the error

I can reproduce the same null for e.g. year 2023 and earlier via API, but for 2024 it seems to work okay, however do you mean on timestamps by this or? :thinking:

Are you grouping them, or rather using one by one e.g. from-to with start and end as a range, or rather dateRange?

My example working:


Wonder if it’s related since when this feature via API was introduced, following the blogpost:

Seems some data is missing, or not published neither at Radar page, therefrom it’s null as a result :thinking: