Annual payments -- Please Cloudflare

Please Cloudflare bring in annual payments for your subs. Im so sick of doing the payment paperwork every month for my finance dept.Surely its not a big deal to allow business or pro account plan users to make the payment once a year, every other paid service out there allows it.Is this driving anyone else crazy.


Yes please, ANNUAL payment option!


It’s already built, they only offer it to Enterprise customers. Why??

This would be so helpful and we’re happy to give you 1 year of payments in advance, I don’t even care for a discount, just want to save the monthly headache for all of us.

Hi there:

I couldn’t agree more. I am happy to share that we have started to support annual plans. It is currently in Early Access. We plan to ramp it up to more customers in February.

Customers who are eligible for the early access received an email. You can also check to see if the option appears in your account settings in your Cloudflare account.

If it is not currently an option for you, we are ramping up the option to everyone as quickly as possible so expect to see annual plans in the next month.

I am one of the co-founders of Cloudflare so I also wanted to take this opportunity say thank you for being a customer!



If you aren’t in the Early Access program, and really want the annual payment option, let me know and I will see if we can get you access.


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