Analytics Engine data structure

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What is the issue or error you’re encountering

Too easy too mismatch columns

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

The analytics engine stores data in a very disjointed way and it only accepts numerical values.

With a maximum of 20 labels per metric, each label name is stored as a string value in it’s own database column arbitrarily named blob1, blob2, … all the way to blob20. The label names are stored in different columns, each arbitrarily named double1, … up to double20.

Given the following object of example data:

  "labels": {
    "foo": "bar",
    "biz": "baz",
    "qux": "quux"
  "samplingIndex": "abc123"

I need to convert this into the format accepted by the writeDataPoint method.

However, as you can from example data above, the values are not numerical.

It also raises a potentially serious issue in terms of maintenance and scalability. For example, if all values are numbers then they should be stored, but what happens to the data if at a later date a dev adds a new label key-value pair to the beginning or middle of the object? Suddenly the label name at blob1 is now completely different. Pull requests that include changes to metrics will need a consistently higher level of scrutiny.

  blobs: [...Object.keys(data.labels)],
  doubles: [...Object.values(data.labels)],
  indexes: [data.samplingIndex],

Why can’t Cloudflare just store the data as a JSON blob? I understand it would need to be validated to only be one level deep and probably still impose a size limit, but there are other types of metrics data (other than numbers) that need to be tracked. A JSON blob would better ensure the key-value pairs are matched correctly.

In meantime, can I have suggestions on how I might track such data?

This is how I handle analytics both internally and externally: blob-builds/worker/src/analytics/analytics.ts at main · WalshyDev/blob-builds · GitHub

We maintain one interface which we add to and then just use the field like normal in write

It let’s us keep a very consistent, readable data interface throughout the app and still write in a compliant way.

Simple answer: that just isn’t anywhere near as performant, especially at a large scale like CF where we may be doing millions of writes a second (see: HTTP Analytics for 6M requests per second using ClickHouse)

Okay, that has inspired me to create an extensible class, one per metric and each with different strongly-typed interface for label values. That gets around the maintenance and scalability issue.

However, we still need to track non-numerical values. Booleans I can get around by casting them to 0/1, but what about strings? All values will always be a primitive type.