You’ll get rid of that banner! which means a bit more of expensive mobile screen real estate to display your content. Your URL will be where it should, at the address bar, and people will feel more confident they are actually in your site. They will share your site URL, not Google’s.
Funny thing happened though, and I don’t know HOW it works. In Firefox on iOS I copied the google amp url for that page. When I pasted, my url appeared.
Getting rid of that banner would be cool. But I wonder if it gives users a sense of authenticity.
humm… Not sure if Firefox is already showing AMP Real URL or simply redirecting to your own server. The idea behind AMP Real URL is to show your own URL while loading content from Google’s CDN, if I understood it correctly.
Also, just tried the same thing using Firefox, Chrome and Safari in an iPhone, all showed the google URL. Perhaps this is being implemented by zones?
I turned on AMP Real URL, so I guess I’m in the queue. @cloonan is there anything I can do on my end to accelerate that process? On my own site that AMP directory is a tech showcase for prospects. The more I can demonstrate, the better odds I have of getting more clients on CF.
Plus I’m really excited.
Basically, what happens is that Google stores the response with a signature signed by your server’s certificate (Cloudflare’s certificate) on their CDN. When Google serves the AMP page, it includes this signature with the AMP page. If the client (web browser) implements signed exchanges, it will show the “canonical” URL in the address bar instead of the cdn. Your traffic will still never hit your server, or even Cloudflare’s analytics with real URL.
In order for the address bar to actually be replaced, it is up to the client (webkit, chrome mobile, firefox mobile) to implement signed exchanges. Even when CF turns on real URL for every zone, if Safari doesn’t implement this, it’ll effectively be dead in the water, at least for traffic within the United States (iPhone market share is much higher here), but less of an issue for other countries (android generally has more market share elsewhere).
Golly I’m really looking forward to this. I found that loading AMP from google’s cache is actually slower than loading directly from Cloudflare.
Or will Cloudflare’s AMP Real URL slow down AMPs just the same?