Alias domain pointing to cloudflare with cpanel without cloudflare tool in cpanel

Hi, in cpanel dont have Cloudflare tool, provider dont want I use it. but can add like alias domain and point to other ip to host like addon domain.
My question, instead of point to that other host, can I point this alias domain to Cloudflare using Cloudflare ip adress , for using ssl, an then point to another hosting.

If your host doesn’t have the Cloudflare tool, you would need to set up your own Cloudflare account, then add your website to it, and change your name servers. Then you can point your domain anywhere you want.

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Thank for your answer, but dont have acces to dns settings or name server, and provider dont want point domain to Cloudflare, only wanted to know if is possible to point alias domain added in cpanel to Cloudflare using A record and cmane, thank

Sorry, Cloudflare won’t respond to your domain unless you’re connected to their DNS.

But if it’s your domain, you should have access to change which name servers your domain should use.

Yes but received like bonus buying other products, and can be hosted only in their hosting and added like addon domain or alias domain in the cpanel

If they won’t let you use Cloudflare, then you’re stuck.

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