After the domain transfer was interrupted, I did not receive a refund

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

After the domain transfer was interrupted, I did not receive a refund.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I initiated the process to transfer my domain to Cloudflare and paid $9.77. However, I accidentally clicked the cancel button at the original registrar, which interrupted the transfer. Cloudflare only sent an email notifying me of the interruption but did not refund the $9.77.

I submitted two support tickets, but only received automated responses. Since I’m not an enterprise user, I don’t have access to the support center. Clicking the ticket links in the emails redirects me to a 404 page.
I can’t restart the transfer now because I just renewed my domain with the original registrar, which means I can’t transfer it again for the next 45 days.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?


What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Transferred the domain to Cloudflare and made the payment.
  2. During the transfer process, the original registrar interrupted the transfer.
  3. Cloudflare only sent an email about the interruption and did not issue a refund.

Can you create a Billing ticket and share your ticket number here? You can open a Billing ticket here,

Sorry for the issues.

Two days ago, I created a ticket with ID 01034519. Since I received no response, only automated replies, I created another ticket today with ID 01041123. I still only received automated replies.

I cannot access the support center to check ticket details or progress. Clicking the ticket links in the emails redirects to a page stating that only enterprise users can access the ticket center, while free users only get community support.

until today, I still haven’t received any emails or replies

Hello! My name is Brandon, and I am glad to further assist with this!

Please check your ticket again, I’ve submitted a response for more information and I’ll be handling it from here on out.


I can see our billing team was able to issue the refund. If you have any questions please follow up in the ticket/case.

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