Adding Good Bots Firewall Rule In A Way That Blocks All Other Bots


There is an option cf.client_bot which can be used in a Firewall Rule, and the list of “good” and “known” bots can be found at the link below → contains few examples, take a look:

Either use a Page Rule to set “Security Level: High” for WordPress admin area (correctly wp-login.php).
Enable the Browser Integrity Check option for your website.
Make sure your DNS records are proxied and set to :orange: .

Furthermore, you can block some user-agents, crawlers, etc., there are few I would recommend to add to your Firewall Rules , like the posted here:

Using Firewall → Tools → IP Access Rules you can block some know “bad” ASN:

In terms of securing your Website by using Cloudflare, there are multiple ways to achieve this, and there are some differences between the Plan you are using.

As far as I see you are using WordPress, kindly may I suggest below article as it cointains really good examples and external sources:

Therefore, some Firewall Tips are published here:

Using the search :search: :

May I suggest below article for more useful information:

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