Adding domain with multiple subdomains

Hi there,

I have a domain with multiple subdomains that I’d like to add to Cloudflare. The subdomains are configured using A records.
When I added the primary domain to Cloudflare, I did not see the A records when Cloudflare queried the DNS records for the primary domain.

The question is, how can I make sure that the sudomains’ A records will be carried over to Cloudflare once I change the Nameservers for the primary domain?

Hope this makes sense.


Just add them manually via the DNS section of the Cloudflare dashboard.

Yes, I could do that… only thing is that there are 100’s of records… anyway of importing it instead?

You can import a zone file. If you can’t export it from your current control panel ask your hoster/provider if they can provide you with an export. It needs to be BIND compatible.

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