Add Zstd Content-Encoding support between Cloudflare and origin servers


Product improvement


Support Zstd Content-Encoding from origin servers


Currently only Gzip and Brotli are supported between Cloudflare and origin servers. In my case my origin server are able to store way more files with zstd than with brotli.

This way I could keep the files already compressed with zstd without the need to decompress them in between. Thus this would allow faster serving of the files and less wasted CPU cycles and thus saving the environment as well.

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I’d imagine this will eventually happen as I know Cloudflare does check what content encoding methods are supported on origin server already for gzip and brotli

Though you need origin Web servers to support zstd content encoding too. For my Centmin Mod Nginx server builds I already added optional zstd content encoding support preparing for Cloudflare’s support


Besides of the nginx zstd-nginx-module also Caddy also seems to support zstd encoding already which is great.

This feature will probably not happen anytime soon but because the Zstd is already supported between Cloudflare and website visitors I also imagine this will happen eventually.

Waiting for this to happen.
Added my vote as well.

I just tested this yesterday and can confirm only Brotli and Gzip are still supported for end-to-end compression.

When end-to-end compression is not met, it will fallback to Zstd.

你可以在 cloudflare 添加一个自定义标头到源站,例如创建一个上游标头 compress=1 ,源站服务器获得compress标头后强制输出 content-encoding: zstd 给与cloudflare,cloudflare会对数据包进行解压并且转换为其它格式,例如 zstd、br 给用户浏览器
此时可以实现源服务器与 cloudflare 始终使用zstd