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What is the isssue you’re encountering
I’m trying to have a custom email hunter @ ce5groupfinder . com setup via the settings for my website ce5groupfinder . com on Cloudflare. So I setup Email Routing for ce5groupfinder . com using the custom address hunter @ ce5groupfinder . com and the action Send to an email and the destination hunterbobeck @ gmail . com. When I look at the Activity Log under Overview tab, I see that emails I sent as a test from robertgoodwinjrs @ gmail . com have been received and forwarded. However, I don’t see the emails landing at the destination address (hunterbobeck @ gmail . com) when I check that Gmail inbox. How can I fix this?
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I checked Spam but nothing is there.
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
See previous response