Our website’s subdomain (‘shop’) has a DNS only A record with the IP address of our hosting company.
In this directory is a file, final.csv, which contains product records for our catalog. The original file containing 30k+ records was over 17mb.
For testing purposes, I replaced this file via ftp with an abbreviated version containing 19 product records. This current final.csv is 15kb; I can download the file via ftp and confirm its size.
However, when accessing the file via its url (shop.clientdomain.com/final.csv), the original 17mb file downloads.
I’ve purged caches at Cloudflare, hosting company and browser.
Any insight into why the url doesn’t download the 15 file is greatly appreciated!
The hosting company is trying to lay the blame on Cloudflare, but the curl -I instructions do not contain cf-cache-status. Seems as though this is indeed a hosting issue.