Acces subdomain without ssl

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

I need to acces to a subdomain without ssl because is a internal host application

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

disable ssl but the rest of subdomains launch the error many redirects

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Which sub-domain we’re talking about?

Add new DNS record A sub pointed to your hosting IP and make sure it’s unproxied :grey: (DNS-only). This way you bypass Cloudflare cache, performance & security.

Otherwise, if sub-domain is proxied :orange: , you can use Configuration Rules or Page Rules to disable SSL for particular sub-domain.
Make sure HSTS is not enabled under the SSL/TLS → Edge certificates.

Hopefully your Web browser wouldn’t cause redirect issues.

If your sub-domain is a deep-level e.g. and want it to be proxied :orange: , you’d have to purchase Advanced Certificate Manager feature so Cloudflare’s Universal SSL would cover it.

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