Cloudflare Registrar will only ever charge you what we pay to the registry for your domain. No markup and no surprise fees. Manage Domains
Cloudflare Registrar - Domain Registrar With No-Markup Pricing
Cloudflare Registrar will only ever charge you what we pay to the registry for your domain. No markup and no surprise fees. Security features like two-factor authentication, multi-user support, and a security-focused customer support team gives you peace of mind that your domain is safe.
Quick Links
NEW— Search for domains and see pricing on Cloudflare Registrar without signing in!
NEW— Move a Cloudflare Registrar domain registration between accounts
Restore domains on your own without help from Cloudflare
Top Level Domain Support (TLDs) expanded to include Google TLDs, .dev, .app
Registrar feature requests
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