It would be beneficial to search KV namespaces for either the key or value instead of going through several pages on a large namespace. I know that you can use the API to get the information but it would make it easier to be able to search for “one off”.
The current KV namespace browser from within the dashboard (via{account}/workers/kv/namespaces/{namespace_id}) is a nightmare to use if you want to actually try to browse the keys.
I set a lot of keys with varying expiration times which means that I end up with 1-3 keys / page of results. Since there’s no way to search for a specific key, I have to click next a LOT when trying to browse the keys. The result sets / page end showing “481–481 items” (only 1 result) then the next page being something like “511–511 items” (only 1 result).
I believe the problem is that it is trying to show results in chunks by index range and don’t really have a solution for you but just having the ability to search would help to alleviate some of the strain of browsing.
It’s 2024 and I’m looking for a way to search values in KV. I guess this is still a problem… I don’t see a way via the API to do this.