AAAA Record Error

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

AAAA record conflict. Please remove All AAAA records

What is the issue you’re encountering

I am trying to connect my domain to my website host but am unable to do so because of this error .

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have manually added the records needed and reviewed all the DNS records (there are no AAAA records showing up). I was able to connect a subdomain with no problem but for some reason I am continually getting this error when trying to connect my main domain.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Screenshot of the error

Welcome to the Cloudflare Community. :logodrop:

All proxied hostnames have both A and AAAA records published, even if it is a CNAME or just an A record.

If the error message is being presented by a third-party site attempting DNS verification, you may need to switch the hostname from proxied :orange::grey: DNS Only.

Thank you! Do you mean I need to switch all the records to DNS or just the two that I added for that third party site?

I would only change the ones that you are having trouble verifying. That way you can easily see if it helps.

Thank you! I think that worked!

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