A Record and CNAME

Hoping someone can help. My hosting was previously with Heroku so the setup on Cloudflare was a little different. We have now moved to simple hosting however the domain appears to be having issues. Does the below look correct?

Record Type: A
Name: mydomain.com
Proxy status: Proxied

Record Type: CNAME
Name: www
Content: mydomain.com
Proxy status: Proxied

So essentially I only need to add an A record and CNAME record to have my www and non-www pointing to my IP, and domain is that correct? Can anyone see any issues?

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Hi all, I am trying to point my domain name to my updated server, I believe I have to add a CNAME and A Record is that correct? I am having an issue with the domain pointing, does the below setup look correct?

Type: A
Name: mydomain.com
Proxy status: Proxied

Name: www
Content: mydomain.com
Proxy status: Proxied

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