5502 connection time out and SUPPORT

I just setup my cloudfare about 20 hours ago.
Strangely ,other visitors can access it but i have NOT been able to do so since then

Is there any online or fast track support at all??
Seems to me like they just want to push away their support tasks to community aka help yourself

Please provide the exact error code.
5502 does not exist.

I guess you mean 502?
Did you change anything else than just the nameservers?

Please refer to below
FYI I am accessing from my own home (desktop and mobile) Malaysia when this happens
[Imgur: The magic of the Internet]

I have no issues to access using VPN BTW

And my namecheap settings are as below

I, uh, can’t do a ton of troubleshooting since I’m at home with the family, but it’s working for me via curl.

Considering the content, could Singapore be blocking the website?

Another way to check the site is use GTmetrix.com or webpagetest.org Those will scan the site and show any result codes and retrieved content. GTmetrix gave me a thumbnail view of the homepage which looked…functional.

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