The origin web server does not have a valid SSL certificate.
What is the issue you’re encountering
My website is not working no matter what I do!
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I’ve tried deleting and re-inputting CNAMES, A, AAAA, etc. TXT as well. I’m a total novice with this stuff, never done it in my life and stupid as ■■■■ with math & numbers. I’m not sure if I’m inputting the DNS info correctly or WHAT info to use. I use Squarespace and can screenshot the DNS data they’re telling me to input. (Without the actual numbers cause I assume I’d be open myself up to hackers that way?) I had inputted it correctly and all was working smoothly until i deleted some things because I read it would help with a link button on the website and that just ruined everything. I tried googling if I need to input CNAME and AAAA but there’s so much conflicting info. Please Help! Treat me like an illiterate toddler.
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
No idea whatsoever, I’m so sorry. Maybe cause I deleted some of the DNS info? But I tried re-inputting it!
We can help. Your SSL/TLS is set to Full (strict) (perfect setting). The 526 error is telling you to put a certificate on your origin server in order to support that setting.
Easiest, fastest, least costly way to do that is to generate one yourself and put it on your server (the place where your site is hosted).
As you use Squarespace, you won’t be able to install any certificate yourself. Luckily, Squarespace takes care of all that for you automagically.
For your basic “newbie” needs, just follow Squarespace’s recommendation and disable the Cloudflare Proxy for your domain, so Squarespace can do their magic.
Go to your Cloudflare DNS page, and make sure that the “Proxy Status” of any A or CNAME entry pointing to Squarespace is set to DNS Only instead of Proxied .
Thank you so much for your response. I tried what you said and changed one of the “A” name entries to DNS only, but it’s still not working. I’m still getting the same error code. I’m not sure if I need to wait a day or two for it to work? For some extra context, I got my domain name from Cloudflare itself, then chose Squarespace as the place where my domain/website would be…hosted? Operated/shown? Squarespace is where I built my website and then I used the info Squarespace provided to try to connect it to Cloudflare. Additionally, I’m only using AAAA and A names, and one TXT entry. After adding back in all the “A” names, (because I deleted them initially, which caused this whole mess) I received more errors.
Squarespace’s DNS list shows names/entries that are not connecting in red. As you can see in the image below, I’ve got a ton of red. I TRIED to add both CNAME & AAAA originally but Cloudflare wouldn’t allow it, which is why I’ve only got A name and AAAA right now. And that one TXT.
Please provide a screenshot of your Cloudflare DNS page showing all the DNS records, so I can get a better insight into your domain’s DNS setup and be in a better position to advise you.