524 Error on My website

Hi, I would like to interject. I was getting this error also.

To test a theory (because I wasn’t getting this error before going to https when checking with linkchecker).

My recent past history will show that I removed my site from Cloudflare’s https and went back to http and turned off virtually all of the cf features (even setting the firewall to essentially off) for about 2 or more weeks.

Problem Solved: No more was I getting the Error: 524 Origin Time-out

What I noticed in going back to https using Cloudflare is that the errors have returned.

Cloudflare is my domain name server by the way.

I read the docs of course available on Cloudflare (that point us back to fixing our server’s setup files but I don’t think that might be it). I also of course tried going into DEVELOPMENT MODE and that also does not stop the 524 errors.

The errors do not appear to be item specific when I check my site with LinkChecker (i.e. one day it’s this file that is 524, then another day it’s a different file. If I let the linkchecker continue to the end of checking all then I simply get a bunch of 524’s reported but I usually just bail after they start coming in by choosing abort).

I think ultimately my problem was that my website was x.com but when i changed all the files in the site to be www.x.com it seems to have remedied the issue.