522 Origin Connection Time-out at some files when enable CLOUDFLARE


I enabled Cloudflare on my site “weboldal-keszites-kezdoknek.info” and some files doesn’t load, after 15 sec and 522 Origin Connection Time-out.
This is one file’s header, e.g. :

Request URL:http://www.weboldal-keszites-kezdoknek.info/res/imClose.png
Request Method:GET
Status Code:522 Origin Connection Time-out
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade

Some page has one error, some page has two or three timed out file.
And the page load time is 16-17 sec.

What is the problem?
Can you help me?

Thank you!

Gyozo Huszti

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Looks like you are not currently using Cloudflare? Are you still having issues or looking for solutions?