522 error/change nameservers

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Connection timed out

What is the issue you’re encountering

website not loading

We do have a guide on 522 and resolution steps:


  • (Most common cause) Cloudflare IP addresses :arrow_upper_right: are rate limited or blocked in .htaccess, iptables, or firewalls. Confirm your hosting provider allows Cloudflare IP addresses.

Thanks for responding. I saw that but the domain is hosted by Cloudflare so I don’t think it’s the IP addresses being limited or blocked?

Cloudflare is not hosting your site though, Cloudflare is a proxy that sits between users and your web server/host, protects it and adds caching and so on. It appears that the DNS records for your domain are configured to point to your origin server with proxied.

We recommend you to contact your hosting provider for further assistance. For detailed information on 522 error, you can refer to the documentation here: Troubleshooting Cloudflare 5XX errors · Cloudflare Support docs

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