My cdn randomly stopped working, nothing changed but I am now getting a 520 error.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have tried setting the record to DNS only, completely redid the domain on cloudflare to start from scratch.
Turned on always online
Temporarily disabled Cloudflare
Redid my origin rule
This cdn works fine on other domains used by my friend, which is on the same cdn server but has been able to add another domain just fine today. It is just my domain that is having issues.
Pause Cloudflare, or set the DNS record to “DNS only”, so requests go direct to your origin server. Then you will be able to see the response from your origin that is causing Cloudflare to return 520. Fix it and once working, re-enable Cloudflare again.
Do you by any chance know what could be causing this? is just an empty domain on godaddy. itself does not have a landing page, would this be the issue? It is not connected to any web server. But my cdn subdomain is connected to a server that handles the CDN