500 internal error since today

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?

Status 500

What is the error message?

{StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: ‘Internal Server Error’, Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:{ Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC Report-To: {“endpoints”:[{“url”:“https://a.nel.cloudflare.com/report/v4?s=DsMHdxD0rI5aYc%2B%2FMpcHnwgDb1BxRpLiGR5Gr7uLstL%2BUeVAMvE4sN0DcNPGkKokLgp8GD%2BlJkJpLBpareWYRc9sMbjEqU3l7OxiaLi3xt1QWmwEy4qyeowD72SICBjnuKpILEtxMBSyYbW5NYkPnsZF”}],“group”:“cf-nel”,“max_age”:604800} NEL: {“success_fraction”:0,“report_to”:“cf-nel”,“max_age”:604800} CF-RAY: 8e20929d6eb07a54-DUS server-timing: cfL4;desc=“?proto=TCP&rtt=12805&sent=3&recv=5&lost=0&retrans=0&sent_bytes=380&recv_bytes=990&delivery_rate=111585&cwnd=251&unsent_bytes=0&cid=fc734b1bc9d65be6&ts=81&x=0” Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:44:57 GMT Server: cloudflare X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Content-Type: text/html}}

What is the issue you’re encountering

Our API not working

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

1.) We checked our api. Last api update in march this year. Stable
2.) Checked our dedicated Servers and communication running on IIS Windows 2019 Server. Run no updates tonight. No confiruration changes in the last months. Runs Stable
3.) Rebooted all Servers

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

I don’t know

Error 500 generally indicates an issue with your origin web server. Error establishing database connection is a common HTTP 500 error message generated by your origin web server.

It appears the cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC where Cloudflare does not consider the asset eligible to cache and your Cloudflare settings do not explicitly instruct Cloudflare to cache the asset. Instead, the asset was requested from the origin web server.

To address this issue, you can refer to the documentation here: Troubleshooting Cloudflare 5XX errors | Cloudflare Support docs

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This can be further seen by the x-powered-by, this is being set by the origin

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