Thanks for reading my post. I had trouble quoting your post so I will just answer your questions here.
My system is based on the Microchip SAMW25 xPlained Pro hardware and the ASF library. (So yes, since Microchip bought Atmel years ago to get their ARM solutions, it is Atmel. )
Yes, port 443.
I load the certificates through an API. Debugging at the WiFi module level within the SAMW25 indicates that SSL with TLS 1.2 is encrypting/decrypting just fine.
It works great with curl, but only on a Linux machine since the API key has characters that Windows doesn’t like.
Here is the curl command that works:
GET /api/live/flight-positions/full?bounds=50.682%2C46.218%2C14.422%2C22.243 HTTP/1.1