I can’t find anything indicating whether the WiFi module uses either TLS1.2 or TLS 1.3.
I don’t normally debug on the WiFi module as that is more complicated. But I did go back and look. It does appear this is a TLS error. Here are the debug statements:
(Note: This web site does not allow me to put in multiple links. So the links have been broken with ‘*’ in obvious places
(101630)(M2M)Sock created(2)
(101630)(TLS)Creating SSL
(101640)()<- ClientHello
(101650)(TLS)-> ALERT(101650)(TLS) FATAL
(101650)(TLS) TYPE 40
This is a handshake failure. Certificate or TLS?
And just for clarity, below are various debug statements. So you don’t need to peruse them, the results are:
w*ww.flightradar24.*com and test.laudian.de fail for the same handshake reason.
Using the same source code but connecting to the Google Maps API and my own web site work.
(APP)(INFO)Socket 2 session ID = 3
client socket open.
sin_family = AF_INET, port = 443, IP address = 82311668
client socket connected.
Client send message...
GET https://w*ww.flightradar24.*com
socket_cb: connect error! Socket Error = SOCK_ERR_CONN_ABORTED
(APP)(INFO)Sock to delete <2>
(APP)(INFO)Socket 2 session ID = 3
client socket open.
sin_family = AF_INET, port = 443, IP address = 82301668
client socket connected.
Client send message...
GET test.laudian.de/403.html
socket_cb: connect error! Socket Error = SOCK_ERR_CONN_ABORTED
(APP)(INFO)Sock to delete <2>
(APP)(INFO)Socket 2 session ID = 3
client socket open.
sin_family = AF_INET, port = 443, IP address = 82311668
client socket connected.
Client send message...
GET h*ttps://test.laudian./403.html
socket_cb: connect error! Socket Error = SOCK_ERR_CONN_ABORTED
(APP)(INFO)Sock to delete <2>
(APP)(INFO)Socket 2 session ID = 3
client socket open.
sin_family = AF_INET, port = 443, IP address = ab0fa8e
client socket connected.
Client send message...
GET h*ttps:maps.googleapis.com
socket_cb: transmit success.
socket_cb: receive success.
Client receive message: (contents of html file removed)
(APP)(INFO)Sock to delete <2>
(APP)(INFO)Socket 2 session ID = 3
client socket open.
sin_family = AF_INET, port = 443, IP address = 48cce7ad
client socket connected.
Client send message...
GET h*ttps://davewillsinc.*com
socket_cb: transmit success.
socket_cb: receive success.
Client receive message: (contents of html file removed)
(APP)(INFO)Sock to delete <2>