403 Forbidden accessing business partners

What is the name of the domain?

is secure portal, cannot post publicly.

What is the error number?

403 Forbidden

What is the error message?

403 Forbidden

What is the issue you’re encountering

We are being denied access to multiple domains by Cloudflare

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Reached out to domain owners. Did tracert and pulled wireshark report. WS shows cloudflare sending our traffic to a blocked page. "With the Wireshark packet it seems the connection is being directed by Cloudflare to a blockpage and not going any further, hxxp:// "
How do we reach someone at Clouldflare to get them to allow our traffic to get to the site?
Thank you

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

going to the website

You contact each site owner that is blocking you

Cloudflare provide the tools and it is up to the site owners & administrators to decide how to use them

No one in the Community or at Cloudflare can change how site owners decide to use the rules and who they decide to block

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What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

403 Forbidden

What is the issue you’re encountering

Cannot access several domains suddenly

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Reached out with question here, was told to use ‘tools’ but no explanation and the thread was locked so couldn’t ask that follow up question.
Suddenly several business partners site are giving us 403 Forbidden. I asked for help with this and was told to use cloudflare tools, but no mention of where or how. So I am asking, can someone please share where, what and how to use the tools, to get us back to work.
Thank you

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

going to the sites

I cannot reproduce since domain isn’t using Cloudflare nameservers anymore.

May I ask if you’re using a part of your domain, e.g. sub-domain for a VPN over a proxied :orange: hostname?

May I ask if you’re the owner of those Websites and actively using Cloudflare or not? :thinking:

If yes, I’d suggest you to double-check the Security → Events at Cloudflare dashboard under your Cloudflare account for your zone, or via direct link https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/security/events.

You should be able to see the challenged or blocked event under the Security tab → Events at Cloudflare dashboard for your zone and know exactly which security option was triggered.

Once you find them, click on a particular one to find more details about it (user-agent, IP, HTTP version …). If yes, could you share some details which service was triggered that blocked you?

Otherwise, If you get this error while visiting someone else’s website, I am afraid you cannot do anything. You can try to access it using a VPN or over a TOR, but I do not guarantee because it could also be blocked and restricted.

Obviously the website owner is using Cloudflare and security options available to him to protect his website.

Maybe you have had some bad requests, or the owner decided to deny the requests comming from your country, etc.

The site can block for any number of reason, that’s up to them and not something this Community nor Cloudflare can do anything about.

Helpful articles which contain useful information articles about 1020 Access Denied error page can be found below:

it is not our domains, it is one of several we can no longer access.
We are an FI, that is being denied access to business partners domains by Cloudflare, we are trying to resolve.

Looks like the result of a Websense/Forcepoint Firewall that you are using.

It is not, we get blocked with full bypass verified by accessing blocked sites.
Pingplotter shows this well

if there are any tools that can help on clouflare site, I would appreciate a tip on what and how, thank you

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