300kb bundle script taking > 5s to download from Cloudflare CDN

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300kb bundle script taking > 5s to download from Cloudflare CDN

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have an a React vite app that results in a bundle of around 300kb. For some reason, there are moments where this bundle takes an unreasonably long time to download. I attached an image of the timing info in the chrome devtools, it takes 152ms waiting for server response and 3.59 SECONDS to download the script.

It’s important to note that sometimes it takes < 300ms and sometimes it takes > 8s, and in both cases the Cf-cache-status show up as HIT.

I have tried the following:

  • Made sure this bundle is always cached (with cache rules).
  • Activated all Speed Site Recommendations settings in the dashboard
  • Tried enabling Rocket Loader™

Unfortunately my app is hosted to be only accessible internally in an embedded iframe inside in an authenticated admin, so I cannot test it globally easily, though, this shouldn’t be something that affects the cloudflare connection.

What could be causing such a long download time, being the fact that the bundle is only 300kb and the cloudflare cache is HIT? Also it happens too frequently to think that it could be temporary congestion of the server.

Screenshot of the error

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