I have waited for SSL for more than 24 hours. As requested, wait 24 hours for the review
My site’s page still shows ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR
And in the dashboard cloudflare Show SSL/TLS Page Pending validation
Usually I set up my other domains (Your SSL/TLS encryption mode is Full) “FULL” and Page Rules
https://www…com/ (SSL: Full)
I get Active SSL Universal When
Hi Support If you see this point, please help me. Request #1848942 Request #1848926
I have followed everything that Bots Cloudflare recommends. And I still search for different ways within community.cloudflare.com But still didn’t get the answer I only received messages from bots that responded via email.
Go to the bottom of the SSL page and click Disable Universal SSL, and wait five minutes. Then click it again to Enable Universal SSL. This re-starts the process.
If that doesn’t work, post your ticket # here. The mods usually check in on open issues.
Reply to the bot mail that you’ve tried their suggestions and it’s still not working. A human will usually get back to you.
In my Cloudflare account, there are more than 10 website domains and I set it up to use Universal SSL at all times except My new domain That caused problems like this Normally, I only spend 6-12 hours waiting for Universal SSL, but this time it’s over 24 hours.
I have responded to Bots 3 times but I don’t have staff. That is a human response
latest support bora Reply me That my website has Malware Amazed me and was shocked because of this domain. I registered only 2 days ago without installing anything. By checking at https://www.virustotal.com/ I don’t know what to do next.
I have used the tool to check many websites. I found that this domain was owned by an old owner At the website https://safeweb.norton.com/ I do not know if this is correct or not. But I have verified my identity with safeweb.norton Is completed wait re-evaluation is in progress