Good morning, I’m waiting for the resolution of my call because of error 1315 for over 9 days, when they responded it was a generic response, asking if I’m the domain administrator, instead of resolving it and unblocking it they asked a generic question… , I need my domain to be released, other services that I use for redirection are having problems! Domain:
Support can only work the the owner of the domain in an active account, that is for your security,
On 3306640, I do not understand this statement, I am the Super Administrator, my email is REDACTED, but here it is registered as ALSOREDACTED
And, please reply on that ticket with the answer to the question from my colleague in Support. Specifically: “Please recall if you moved this domain from an old account. If yes, would it be possible to respond using the super administrator of the account?”
The easiest route would be to reply via email with an answer to my colleagues question and cc the other email. Then reply from that other email indicating account ownership.
Good morning, I don’t know what to answer, all this time we used Cloudflare it was on my account, I paid all the costs, it was always registered in this email. I don’t know what else to say, I’m the account administrator, I’m the only administrator. I already answered your colleague 14 days ago this same question, I just asked him to release my domain, if you do a brief search you will see that it belongs to my registration email here, I have the access to change the dns, I don’t know anymore What should I say so you can release my account?
then down
Good afternoon. Reply from which email? my registration email is the email I have always used here, and the email I used to pay the invoices, and the only email I have registered, I don’t understand what you want me to do, the only registration here I have is the email , but one question, why don’t they just unblock my domain, nothing can be done with it other than changing the DNS and for that I need to have adm access on the server here in Brazil, and I have ! I just need to unlock the account with my domain please, it’s been 16 days!
The email of the Super Admin of the account that holds the active domain you are asking about. For the security and privacy of everyone that uses Cloudflare, we can only work with the account holder directly. You need to communicate with Support from that email address. I don’t know what address that is, ideally you do.
The only way you’ll be able to regain access to that account is by having access to the email address of the account Super Admin.
These links may help, but they only work when logged out
If you know the email:
If you know the email and have 2FA issues:
If you don’t know the email:
Good morning.
You’re saying this isn’t my superAdmin email, but it is! All billing amounts are in my email, all settings were made from my email where I am here with you! The last LInk you sent me didn’t work, when I type the domain it responds: The domain provided isn’t registered on the Internet. This tool only works with active Cloudflare domains. Check for spelling typos or complete the form with a different domain. but it is typed EXACTLY, H3N.COM.BR, I am the superAdmin, I am the owner of the account, I am the one who paid and paid for Cloudflare (you can look at the payment logs), I never had another email, I tried to log in via REDACTED to see if it would work to register there thinking it was a problem with my account but it’s on the domain. Honestly, I’m running out of options, you say this isn’t my email, but it’s the ONLY one I have registered here and it was with this email that I paid for Cloudflare all this time.
I just pulled the history when I created the domain here. Look at the Log to see if it wasn’t me with this account who created this domain here!
I went to the WhoIs website and put the domain there, here is the data that appears, with my main email
I have all the proof that I am the Administrator and Owner of the Domain, but I don’t know why they are saying that it was someone else who registered it, it was me who registered it! I have another account that I made at REDACTED to try to register this domain, but without success either, the same error 1315 appears! My problem is not knowing what the email is, I know what it is, the problem is that I don’t know what you want since I’m proving that I only have 1 email registered in the account and that’s the one I’m talking to you about!
Thank you and sorry for the issues, the Registrar Support team will need to assist you on 3306640, I’ll flag that for them.
I just logged in with my second one which is on my domain. I tried to put the domain here but it also gives the same error.
I am sorry that this has gone on so long, our Billing team has reached out to you in the ticket, and has adjusted the domain so that things should now be working properly.
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