1102 error — cpu-time

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Wokrer exceeded resource limits

What is the issue you’re encountering

I’m new to Cloudflare… I’ve setup page rules to cache everything and purge it whenever my cms (kirby cms) updates the website. However, I en up getting this error sometimes. I have been looking into ways to overcome it, but can’t fully grasp my mind around what this means. The website is build with Nuxt and everyting should be setup to be ssr.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I’ve tried to make the payload as small as possible. But maybe I overlooked some bottlenecks(?)

SSR is a relatively intensive thing. I’m not surprised you’re hitting the CPU limit. Best I can recommend is upgrading to paid: Pricing · Cloudflare Workers docs

It would give you significantly more CPU time, easily more than enough for your SSR

hmm ok! makes sense :slight_smile: I was already assuming that the it had something to do with hitting that limit. Is there a way to see a live log of the cpu-time per request? so I can first identify which page is using extra cpu?

I’ve upgraded to the paid worker plan, but it seems like the activation takes some time… Also been reading about this issue: Cloudflare Status - Billing Subscription Update and Invoice Issues

Is it still open and related to the upgrade?