1 website I visit has issues with Cloudflare

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?

multiple from 404 plus others

What is the error message?

Message changes depending on browser

What is the issue you’re encountering

www.fanfiction.net has not worked correctly on Chrome since the initial problem with Cloudflare Chrome will NOT verify me as human on that site on Edge and Firefox started today they give error and either 404 or bad gateway

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have upgraded all browsers to the most recent.
Cleared all cookies and cache.
Restarted all browsers.
Restarted computer and modem

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

None is needed. It happens every single time.
On Chrome, it won’t get out of the loop, confirming that I am human. Today, all the other browsers started not moving past a page and just spinning

Screenshot of the error

I experienced the “Challenge” page only once when I clicked on some article, unfortunately cannot reproduce the same and I am not stuck in a “loop” as you’re describing.

Regarding 404s, I saw few 403 on some .css resources and fonts (pointed to the Google Fonts).

Got some 503 as well:

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