vs. "Google Fi VPN"

I use Google Fi and it uses it’s own VPN. When I installed the ap it replaced Fi’s VPN with it’s own.

Is there some way to use without using it’s VPN so I can continue using Fi’s VPN, please?

p.s. I’m a noob so I really don’t understand whether either or Fi needs it’s VPN to function, or which VPN is preferrable.

It sounds like you’re using a phone app (iOS or Android?), and you can’t change that VPN configuration. At least on iOS. When I use a VPN on iOS, I have to use that VPN’s DNS.

As @sdayman mentioned you can normally only use on VPN at a time, however you can configure your device to use when not using any VPN (such as when on wifi at home)

Yes sdayman, I am using the Android ap.